Edward C. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, [1873?] May 12

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Chateaugay May 12thMy Dear Sister

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You will see by the above that I am at home came up on the night train from Saturday night How is every thing there. I will doubtless be there to attend Co. Court and if Craig sees Powers tell him I want him to take up my case in behalf of the state whether I come or not for it can be done as well if I am not there If any thing turns up worthy of note come to Georgia & telegraph to Bent My face is pretty sore but doing well What do folks say about my going away &.c. Write on receipt of this

Yours &.c.E.C. Smith

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I wish you go down to Reynolds and get the [     ] order in Cotton cloth unbleached a pretty good piece from 18. to 20.cts and pack it in my Trunk and every thing else that you find laying around loose including Books letters papers clock Blue Bottle 2 prs. Boots & shoes and send them directed to G.B. Smith Malone together with the sugar sofa & chair carpet &.c. The Sofa & chair are not marked so see to that Tell J.O. French to bring them at once he is owing me $4.00

Love to you allEdy

