Catherine Smith to [Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher?], no year June 19

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BurkeJune 19Dear children

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I left Manengo just one week ago to day arived in Malone afternoon I took cold changeing cars Tuesday night it brought quinsey sore throught it finealy broak sunday morning to day I can sit up part of the time but am not strong enough to write much Saturday night I read a letter from Lydia saying her health was improving throught she would be able to come home in a few days but the next morning this good news was contradicted yesterday morning a dispach came saying she was dead

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wanted to know if wanted the body sent to Malone we did not think best to send for it I am in hopes she will be laid beside her husband I think she has money enough to defray the expense I have no sister to worry about but insted to mourn for I cannot tell when I shall come over to Vt but when I get able I must close hoping this will find you all well

love to allMother

Uncle Sam and B and wife feal uneasy to think you nor I never answer there letters do write to S [L] if to no others they are both very poorly

