Marilla Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, no year December 8

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OFFICE OFWM. ERKSON & CO.General Produce Commission Merchants,San Jose, Cal.Dec. 8th 187My dear Sister;

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I have thought for a long long time that I would write to you again & see if I could find out why it is we do not hear one word from you, but with my numerous cares I find it almost impossible to write. I see you have been to visit Matt & I do think you might find time to write me a word now & then.

Your mother said you would write me on my return & after waiting in vain for a letter I sat down & wrote you Edward also wrote you & we have never rec. a word of answer,

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We rec. a letter from Bently the other day saying he was about to marry & he was going to visit you. I hope you will write me all about our new sister. Dont you think mother ought to divide up her society among her children now?

How is Katie & Carrie You ought to hear Mattie & Graci talk about their little cousins & Mattie remembrs th hole in the cellar. I have never heard how your baby died. Was it a boy? Please write me all about it. We call baby George, for your father & I feel sure he would be proud of him were he alive. The doctor says we will [never] raise him he is so smart. Walked & talked at nine months He has been sick for several weeks but hope it is not serious.I have no more time now. pleas do write & let us know how you are. Ask Mrs [Luther] if she is never going to answer the letter I wrote her months ago.

Much love to allMarilla

