Betsey Verona Jagua to Ruth Fletcher, 1865 August 20

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Otsego Aug 20th 1865Dear Aunt

Miss Delia Bliss Hyde Park

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I received your truly welcome letter in due time and was very glad to hear from you once more in this world I had long looked for an answer to my last and when it came and I caught sight of the well known writing on the envelope with what eagerness the contents were perused I need not cannot tell it was joy to know that you was yet alive and your own hand had pened another mesage to me and it found us still alive and enjoying our usual health Father is as well as could be expected for one of his age he has the [phthiric] some this summer we have been trying to have him come go to Vermont and spend the winter but he thinks it is too much a task for him O how I wish I could see you once more how glad I was to get the picture of cousin Craig wish you would send yours together with the rest of your family I should think so much of them I will try and send you ours next spring if I can I should be glad to send them this fall but times are hard here it has been so wet that crops are rather light wheat grew in the field before it could [stacked] corn and potatoes are a light crop hay and oats good our folks finished haying uncle Lemuel s family was well last week Lyman s family are well they have two children living my girl is well she is eight years old [  ] in Feb she is quite a large

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lady weighs 50 pounds I dont know as you can read this for my eyes have been sore and weak for several years and I have to work hard and it makes me so nervous that I cant write good perhaps you cant read it why dont uncle Andrew never write and cousin Ella too I always answer all the letters and should be so glad to have a letter every week Do you hear from Mary often please send me her Post Office Address write all you know of any of our relations Father wants to know whether aunt Sally Dwinnel is living yet Give my love to aunt Lydia tell her to write me a long letter tell your little Adella that my Sarah Everline is a great large girl with red hair blue eyes a face as round as an apple and goes a mile to school well Dearest aunt I am striving to live so that If we never have the happy priviledge of meeting on earth we may in heaven happy thought how it cheers the heart that friends long severed friends shall meet around one common mercy seat I shall have to close for it is ten o clock Give my love to all your family reserving a full share for yourself Seth and I would be glad to come East but circumstances will not permit at present good by for this time write soon


