Andrew Craig Fletcher to Family, 1864 August 21

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St Albans Aug 21st /64Dear Friends

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It is with pleasure that I now take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well and hope that you are enjoying the same blessing I do not think I shall enlist just yet so you may calm your fear I will let you know when I go for to fight for a ---- niggy I tell you I am left alone in the store half of the time lately with the boys Butter is [      ] 50 cts now Potatoes $1.12 Oats $1.00 cheese 20.cts They have got me enrolled in St A but can not hold me I wish I could see you all but shall not for 2 or 3 months I do not think now

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Tell Father not to sell anything unless he gets about 3 times as much as he used to get

I have been to church to day had a good house full house & good music

Tuesday Morn

I shall send this letter by Mr Davis

I am in a hurry

From your absent BoyA C Fletcher

PS Write soon

