Betsey Verona Jagua to Ruth Fletcher, circa 1851 February 23 and March 5

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Betsey V. Jagua to Ruth Fletcher, circa 1850s February 23 Otsego February 23Dear Aunt

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I take my pen in hand to inform you of my health which is not very good this winter I have been sick [    ] a good deal of the time for almost a year confined to my bed part of the time but I have done my work all winter I have been of a tough rugged constitution ever since I left the east till within about two years since my complaint or weakness which the female is often subject to I have not you no fear from that nor none of my much loved friends to the east they are all well remembered never to be forgotten while life and reason lasts often often Dear Aunt does fond memory linger around the spot where I spent my childish years surrounded by near dear friends the times are sadly changed hundreds of miles now lie between us friends that we loved are gone to their resting place since I received your letter Hiram Holdridge has followed Carseldana he died the 30th of October leaving his children orphans I have got one of them to live with me and mean to have the other O when you call your little ones that God has entrusted to your care around you O then do think of these children who are left without their natural protectors and when you raise your thoughts to God and heaven then O then pray for me that I may supply the place of mother to them as far as [     ] can You wished or mentioned a desired that I would return to the east and live with you that you thought I was

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most of age well so I be for I am 25 years old but Farther could spare me no better than he could ten years ago there is another one that holds a claim for I was married a year ago last October so you see the prospect is rather poor as to my coming to Vermont at present I should be very glad to come back there and see all of my relations but means will not admit at present but I think if we live and are prospered we shall in the course of a few years you wrote that uncle Andrew valued his farm and other property at [2,000] dollars now suppose he sells a little of it and with you take a ride of a few days and visit us and see our part of the country we have not had more than 5 or 6 inches of snow here this winter the ground is now bare and the people are getting ready to make sugar we are contented with our country Father says he had rather have ten acres here to get a living than to have the old farm back to [ ] he says tell Andrew to wade in the snow up to his chin if he wants to he thinks he would be tired of his trade if he would come here to and spend one winter We raised about three hundred bushels of corn a hundred and twenty of potatoes a hundred of wheat and other things in proportion wheat is 125 corn 50 potatoes 38 cts stock is very high here this year cows 20 oxen 80 and 90 dollars sheep 3 and other stock in proportion so much for the first attempt

Betsey V. Jagua to Ruth Fletcher, circa 1850s March 5

I once more resume my pen which you

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see has been laid aside you wanted me to inform you whether Grand ma was used well or not Aunt Matilda is an Irish woman very good natured if you keep on the right side of her quick tempered soon over it and she seemed to think a great deal of Grandma used her well although she would have now an then a cross Grand ma was sick a good deal while she was with her and was very childish I think she took good care of her I was there a great many times for if she was sick or any of the rest Verona must come and nurse them up they made her as comfortable as their poverty would admit she had her tin and snuff most of the time they are poor and will remain so all their days though Aunt M is a giving woman good to work but uncle health is poor and the children all small and it keeps him doing to feed and clothe them you know he never nothing more than a living when he was a bachalor but he takes things smoothly you know he has got a mild disposition difrent from Father you know he is very quick tempered Father says tell Andrew that he had rather have ten acres here to get a living than to have the old farm to Belvidere Father and Lyman and Seth own two hundred acres of land between them, all joining so you see we are living together we have eighteen head of cattle land enough cleared to keep them and hay to sell again you will

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my pen has been silent for some time I will try to finish this time for I guess you will have hard work to read it anyhow so I will add a few more lines and close for the present for now while I am trying to write little [     ] is trotting over the floor at no slow rate Carlos wrote to uncle Lemuel a short time since Curtis was no better the rest about as usual Give my love to uncle Andrew and those dear little cousins tell them of a cousin Verona far off to the west remember me with my love and best respects to Aunt Lydia and Mary tell them to write to me Give my respects to all and accept the love of your niece

Betsey V Jagua

PS Lyman is looking for a letter from you do write to us without fail

