Ellen Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher and cousins, 1856 November 2

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Pierpont Nov 2d 1856Dear Uncle Aunt and Cousins

I received your letter some time since and ought to have answered it before but my circumstances have been such that my mind was not enough composed I have had all manner of trials to encounter with and disappointment withstand but the hope of better day buoys me up Dear Aunt I received a letter from there the other day which stated that you was quite sick O would that I could step in and see you but that privelige is denied me I am all alone here no kind friend save my Mother and Brother to sympathize with me and I have to [practice] it toward them you know how I hated to come and I found thing much worse than I expected that

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man they hired out the place to was a hard case to get along with but I have got rid of him now but Mother and Curtis are in trouble about something all the time it makes it very hard for me now I will tell you what I have had to do Carlos went away in 2 weeks after I got here and left all for me to do and see to and I think I have done nobly I have dug 28 bushels of potatoes and picked up [& draned] the corn and husked it with a of C's help and what wood we have burned and partly [       ] the Frenchman they have had some hard times with [him] this summer. You may judge that it has wore upon me a little and the more on account of my not being contented thinking how much better home I had left but I now try and assist them as long as

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life remains The crops were light here this year on account of the dry weather there has not been but a very little rain since I came the springs and wells are all dried up we have had one dug and there is a plenty of water in it now the home is in a bad condition yet but I think it will be finished below next week I have been to meeting once since I got home and probably shall not go again this winter I hear that they are having great times there this fall I wish that I could step in this evening and see and hear them all I do not know what I shall do yet but think I shall have to stay at home this winter do the chores and go to Manchester in the spring. Chauncey has got back so they say and has bought him a Farm please inform me where it is A says I have lost him for he has foundanother. but says that he is all alone yet but cant help it I pity him but

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cant help him but he could me if I was where I could see him has he given up going to he did not say anything about it Curtis I think fails every day I think often he never will breathe again when he has his coughing spells it is lonesome here tell the children Ellen thinks of them often and would be glad to see them tell them they must be good to their Father and Mother and to each other so that in after days they will not have to look back and regret for their deeds of unkindness as Ellen does I have not space to write any so

Adieu from your ever remembered Niece and CousinEllen

I have no Father now

