Moses S. Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1855 October 28

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Otsego Oct 28th 1855Respected Brother and Sister

I now take this opportunity of writing to you to inform you of my health which is tolerable good at this time excepting my cough and [        ] and hope these lines will find you in good health My folks are all tolerable well Brother Ls family are well he sends his respects to all his friends I got home the 7th of Oct had a first rate good journey came from Niagara to Coldwater Saturday and got there Sunday morning took the cars at 2 at Potsdam to Odgensburgh and Steam Boat to Lewiston I promised to write more about Brother Z. I do not think he will trouble them long I do not think he had a verry kind reception home I freed my mind to Louis [Curtis] said but little the people told me that they were sorry for his sake that he had come back she has no friends she has no neighbors that she speaks well of she is called a complete virago I told her what the people said about her it seemed to shut her mouth once to astonish Curtis he said he had not thought of it I talked to them as well as I know how to It has been verry wet here this season potatoes have rotted verry bad good crops oh hay and corn wheat was some damaged we have sowed only 7 acres this year we had about 30 bushels good winter apples dried enough for our own use ten bushels off of one tree that has been set out ten years we have about one hundred and fifty Bushel potatoes have not husked our corn yet frost came here the 7 of Oct pleasant weather now It has been some sickly here but not many deaths Lyman Seth and Veronia send their Best respects to you and Uncle Daniel and Aunt Lydia Give my respects to Daniel and L. We have 12 head of cattle and a horse to winter Write as soon as you receive this and let me know how you do. Give my respects to all enquiring friends Wheat is worth one dollar Corn 37 1/2 cts potatoes 25 cts Butter 12 1/2 cts hay $5.00 Cattle one third Lower than with you I will now draw to a close by subscribing my self

your affectionate Brother till DeathMoses S. Colton

