Jane Fletcher to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1847 December 13 and Lydia Colton to Andrew Fletcher, circa 1847 December 13

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Jane Fletcher to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1847 December 13

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Paxton Dec. 13 1847Dear Brother & Sister

From a bed of languishing and pain I dictate a few lines to let you know that I remember you with interest & affection, I have often wished as I have been here hour after hour left to my own reflections, that I could use a pen and reply to your letter. but no, one thing after another I have to give up untill I can do little but be passive and be waited on. It would be a great satisfaction to see you both, but if I must be deprived of that happiness I desire to submit cheerfully to this allotment of an all-wise Providence realizing that if we are what we profess to be, it will not be long ere we shall meet in those mansions which our Savior has gone to prepare for those that love him to be seperated no more, but to join in those ascriptions of praise and thanksgiving which emanate from that blessed company. Can it be that one so sinful and unworthy shall ever be permitted to enter those pearly gates and join in that blessed employment? Dear friends let me entreat of you so to spend the days of your health & strength as that when your turn too shall come to be down on the bed of sickness & death, you will not have to mourn over neglected duties and misimproved privileges. not to be so much engrossed with the cares and anxieties of the world, but that you will

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be ready cheerfully to give them up when called to do so. Disease seems to be progressing, slowly to be sure, but I find my strength gradually failing pray for me that I may wait patiently till my change come, & that then I may be bourne above Jordan's dark waves by my Saviors supporting arm and safely landed on shores.

A word with regard to Lydia, though she inttends writing herself, her health has not been good for some weeks, but is some better now, I feel it a privilege to have her with me, but still have told her that if she feared it would be any injury to her stay I would certainly have her return home. Sister [ ] is with me & spends most of her time in knitting [and sewing] for me or waiting on me. Lydia often speaks of Sister H,s kindness to her in favoring her as much as she can. She does the cooking at her store and all my washing & ironing is done below___

Mr Fletcher wishes me to say to Brother, that he would like to have him sell his cow & hog for money if he can & if he can & if Mr Cheney has sold sheep or lambs he would like to have the money in readiness and have you write immediately how much it is so that he may take the same amount of Charles Fletcher, He will go home in three weeks and I would like to have the money in readiness for him. You will please pay Artemas $14 Now do not fail to write as soon as possible much love to Craig, and wish an affectionate

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to all our friends

From your SisterJane [ ] Fletcher

Lydia Colton (?) to Andrew Fletcher, circa 1847 December 13 Much Love brother

I your in do and was glad to hear you were all Jane continues to fail she cannot sit up only long enough to have her bed made her right breast looks verry bad it still [enlarges] her til has got on her lungs she has got a verry sore mouth I think she is in the last stages of th [      ] Banks has been here five or six weeks She has allways her [    ] to hav agod deal of care Mrs Simon [Hessington] died five weeks ago with th [          ] She got up morning and got her breakfast and [swept] her room and died tuesday night at [2] I must draw to a close for Jane wants her [                        ]


Mr Andrew FletcherWatervilleVt

