Mary Harvey to Ruth Fletcher, undated

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Dear Aunt

as Ellen gives me a chance to send with her I will improve the opportunity we are all well at present but I am verry tired just now for it is Monday afternoon and so you must excuse me if I dont write quite plain are you well this summer and how is your family - are you not coming to see us this summer and aunt Lydia to we should be so glad to see you and it seems as though you could come and stay a good while if you only thought so and besides we talk some of going west this fall but perhaps shall not go before next spring it is more pleasant visiting in summer than in winter and we intend to

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visit what few friends we have this summer and we are expecting a visit from aunt Mary can you tell me any thing about Mary where she is or how her health is I have not heard from her since last fall we were all sick (or all but me) at that time and I had not time to answer for about 4 months and since then have not written because I knew not where to direct inquire of Mrs [Lock] and write me as soon as you can we shall look for you and Uncle A, and for Uncle Daniel and Aunt L do not let us look in vain


