Harriet Fletcher to Ruth Colton, 1833 October 5

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Waterville Oct 5th 1833Respected friend

I take my pen in hand to inform you of my helath which is very good at present and hope it may be yours to enjoy the same blessing health I think it to be the greatest blessing which can be enjoyed in this world I think I know a little how to prize my health for about three weeks I never sat up only long enough for my bed to be made the 5 week I to a little, I thought I would to you and have thought great many times when I could not see you. it would be great consolation to me if you would write me, I do not know as I have got any news to write worthy of attention it has been very sickly in this town the summer past and I have had to share with the rest never did I know what it was to be sick before I think I know a little how to pity you but O I have a kind Father and a tender Mother to resort to in a time of sickness, I under [stand] your health is quite [good] I want to see you very much I must inform you that Timothy is married I must give you a little sketch of

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the proceeding of Andrew [Hodgekines], Last winter Louisa Holms upthere a visiting last wrote they was in the room together A[    ]H was in the room with them she goes out he asks her for her company she says she does not hold keeping nor I saw he would you then be [married][    ] A I will carry you out [    ] out where my Brother lives and be married over there but she make some excuses if I could see you I would tell you all about it. Give my respects Lydia see her very much I you should make me a visit do not fail of writing the first opportunity excuse imperfection in writing and permit me to close subscribing myself

your sincere friend Do not say any thing about the above writingHarriet Fletcher


Ruth ColtonJohnson Vt

