Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, January 4, 1878
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United States Senate Chamber,
Washington, Jany 4th 1878
Prst. M. H. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt
My dear Sir: I have
not been quite well for some
days or I should have
acknowledged your kind letter respecting
James. I
trust you know that I fully appreciate your watchfulness.
It was in time to furnish a basis of further admonition and I hope
of improvement. I some thought of going back with
James to get
a full idea of any bad associates
and also to consider about a
change of place, but
for the present I have abandoned that.
says, "try me one month and then ask the President
whether my work and deportment is not all right or not".
He knows that I shall expect him to be punctual to every one
of his recitations; not to be absent from his
room evenings;
not to attend any dance balls, and
to treat the new Prof.
of Chemistry with every
courtesy and without the exhibition
of leg-drills
or any other coarse offence.
Indeed his visit
here I fear was not so enjoyable
as it might have been had less time been devoted
to parental
use in lectures. James promises me all
I can fairly ask
and I hope he will come nearer
fulfilment than
he yet has done. He says he was
really sick about two weeks.
I trust that you will
not grow weary over your cares
nor discouraged by
the abuse which some of the Press
appear glad to
fling upon our University and College.
I have not
seen Prof Collier since he came and
when I do I
shall try to find out whether he inspires
share of this abuse. It is strange that any Bur-
lington paper can find a profit in this line. I was
sorry to see the Rutland Herald following in the same
rut and so I wrote to Mr. Pettingill, the editor,
expressing my regret that he did not know
more of our Professors and the work
they were
Very truly yours
Justin S.