Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, March 13, 1893

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United States Senate,
WASHINGTON, D.C., Mar. 13th, 1893.
Dear Sir:
In reply to your favor of the 11th inst.
I must say that I was never quite satisfied
with my remarks to which you refer, nor
with those in pencil for a time in your
hands, and was prepared last October with
an argument covering, as I thought, all points
more effectively, but happily nothing then
was required. I do not like to revise the
old speech, nor put forth a letter with
new matter, as it might at once to start
agitation. If I could anywhere this
summer find a place appropriate to

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to give a lecture on this subject, then
so much of it as might be profitable
might be printed or go into the News-
papers. But this I see no way of practic-
ally and decently accomplishing. As
well as yourself, I am constantly com-
pelled by letters from all parts of the
country to give my views at length
on the subject.
Of course I will , as early as I
have time, if you insist upon
and you
will send a copy of the old remarks, as
I have none. Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill
Prst. Buckham.
Burlington, Vt.

