Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, October 26, 1892

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Strafford, Vt. Oct. 26th, 1892
Dear Sir:
I am glad to learn by your favor of
the 20th inst. that the outlook for your institu-
tion is so far favorable. At the request of Mr. Powell
I talked with Mr. Darling. A month ago I
thought, from the output of Dr. Hoskins in the
Watchman, and that of Messer out west as the
Master of the Vt. Grange, that the old attack would
be renewed, and had prepared rather carefully a
statement of the case to present to the Legislative
Committees and make, on my part, a final

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argument against the
suicidal project of a
separation of the College from the University.
The time may come for earnest argument,
but I am gratified to believe you will have
another year, at least, of peace and progress,
and greatly hope that your bold venture in
behalf of a new Farm, Creamery and the
Mechanic Arts will postpone and perhaps finally
settle the vexed question.
I expect to leave for Washington the day
after the Nov. election, and regret not to have
the pleasure of seeing you before my departure.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill
Prest. M. H. Buckham,
Burlington, VT.

