Lillian H. Olzendam to Collins M. Graves

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December 16, 1919
Mr. Collins Graves

Dear Sir:-
No doubt you have heard that the Vermont Equal Suffrage
Association is exerting every effort to influence Governor Clement
to call a special session of the legislature for the purpose of
ratifying the Federal Suffrage Amendment.

Many of the best men of the state are giving us their support
and a Legislative Committee is working for us under the leader-
ship of Senator Howland of Barre. Would it be possible for you
to add your valued assistance in securing such special session
by being one of a small group of influential citizens to call
upon the Governor and urge the necessity of this step as one of
progress not only for the State but for the Nation as well?
Your fellow-townsman, Mr. John Spargo, has consented to be one
of such a delegation and we are asking Mr. Robert Haley to be
another. The V.E.S.A. will gladly bear the expense of such a

Of course you know that 22 states have already ratified the
Amendment, including the largest of the New England states,
Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, making Vermont an island
of conservatism surrounded on all sides by full suffrage terri-

In order that all the women of the Nation may be equally enfran-
chised in time to vote in Presidential Primaries, Vermont must
come forward and take her place among the 36 necessary states;
the only way this can be accomplished is by holding a special
session of the Legislature.

We shall greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter
and await your reply.

Very truly yours,
Chairman of Ratification

