Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, August 21, 1888

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Strafford, Vt. Aug. 21st, 1888
My dear Sir:
Your favor of the 18th inst. has
been received, but I have not been notified
by Mr. Benedict.
I hope I may be well enough to
present the claim of the Agricultural Col-
lege, which is now the claim as much of the
Vt. University, to as many members of the
Legislature as would turn out to listen to
an evening address in some hall at
Montpelier or possibly in the Legislature
Chamber, but I should not wish to go

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there and merely address some Committee
of the Legislature. I think it almost a
shame that the state as done nothing
while other states have done so much.
Besides this, the Vt. University was the
first-born Collegiate Institution of the
State, and the state intended to endow it.
But for the spirit of Burlingtonians, it
might have thrown all of its favor into the
lap of Dartmouth.
Of course I should hope others, be-
sides myself would discuss the subject
at the same meeting. No one could
do it as well as yourself.
As I understand it the state has
not given a dollar to the support of

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the Agricultural College and the salaries
you pay to professors, without whom no
such College could give the instruction
contemplated by the national Law, is
much more than this national bounty.
Some of these you had prior to the
association and some you have added
since. I should like to know just
when and at what cost you have in-
creased instruction.
I will prepare an address as here
indicated, if you think it best, and will
do it as well as I know how, with the view
of printing it in pamphlet form and then
of presenting a copy to each member of
the Legislature, as I should want to

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make them ponder upon a few statistics
that would be presented.
But after all, lest I might do you
hurt instead of good, when my address
should be written out, I should desire
to have either you or Mr. Benedict run
and eye over
and see if any part should
be omitted.
Am better but not yet well enough
to return to Washington.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill
Prest. M.H. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt.

