Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, September 9, 1882
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Strafford, Vt. Sept. 9th, 1882
My dear Sir:
have your favor of the 8th inst.
and I
congratulate you upon all of the evidence
of your
prosperity. I should be reluctant about
any campaign with Middlebury and
although I think Burlington is
growing stronger
every year, and that there
is a wider sentiment
now than ever in
favor of a support of but one
college. Still
I fear you are not sure yet of
the legislature and, if you should not,
a spasmodic effort would be made to
introduce new blood into the other inst-
tutions to give a few years more of life,
and that might retard your advance.
I hope your advantages soon will be
such as to satisfy the whole state that it is
best to support but one college and that with
a more vigorous and liberal policy.
There will be time to consider how much
it will be proper to ask. I have no hope
of a very large annual appropriation. It
may be best to offer free-tuition to one from
each county or to a fixed number, if the
state will make permanent provision for
an equal number. But this even I have
not revolved sufficiently to have any
very fixed opinion.
I may add that I have sometimes
an apprehension that some sensa-
tional member of
the legislature might
want to make his mark by
either to pay off the
fund in the hands
of the state or to reduce the
interest to
4 p. ct. But this I think could
defeated. If the state had done this
15 years ago, you might have been
much better off than you are now with
the 6 p.
ct. coming from the state. The
election of Jo.
Battell suggested these
thoughts, but I hope they
are without any
foundations and unjust to that
uished gentleman.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill
Prst. M. H. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt.