Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp Battallion 6th Vt. Vol. InftStrasburg Va. Nov. 1st 1864 Dear Sister

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As I have a few moments to spare this evening I will write a few lines to you to let you know of my welfare and that I am well as usual I have received no letter from you in a long long time but if you are to buisy to write I suppose I shall have to wait untill you get time. I shall always be glad to get a letter from you whenever you feel like writing to me. I know that I cannot write a very interesting letter to you Still I shall continue to afflict you with a letter now and then if you have no objection I do not remember of receiving more than two letters from you in as many months but I will not complain.

Our Regt. are I should say our Battallion of the 6th Vt togather with the old Vt Brigade are now camped about Strasburg Va.

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and are doing picket duty as the advance Inft. picket. We also have three drill each day so we have no lack of business and I in particu -lar have my hands full as I have had two Companys to take care of untill within a few days and now they are consolidated and form one Co. and I have charge of that becides all this I am acting as Adjutant of the regt. so between them both I have not much time that I can call my own. For the last week I have done nothing but write write all the time and I have more than a weeks work on hand now which must be done as soon as possible. I shall expect some letters from Mary to-morrow or next day and I hope to hear from you also. If I do I will take back what I have sead in this letter about your not writing. I have a very comfortable tent and good quarters so as far as the outside is conserned I am well off. Capt. Sperry is in command of the Battallion and we tent togather. I like him much so everything is pleasant or would be if

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if I had not so much to do. Cousin O. P. Ray is now Sergt. Major of the 2nd Vt and will probably assume his dutys there soon. he is at present at Brigade Hd. Q’rs and is well as usual or was last night He tells me that Cousin Mary has been quite sick for all of which I am very sorry. Give my love to her. I have not heard from Nathan for two or three weeks but expect a letter every mail. I am now in command of old Co. “I” and it seems like home to get back to the old Co. but it would seem much better if the boys that were with us last winter were there but the most of them are gone Either Killed or absent sick or wounded.

Mortimer Lister is probably a prisoner and will probably have a chance to test the beauty of Sesession and I guess that it will cure him of all sympathy with the traitors Have you received my letter with the check which I sent a No of days ago. Yesterday we had a Division Review at which nearly all the big Generals in this army were present which passed off very pleasantly to all concerned

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I am in hopes that when we go into winter quarters that we shall be able to get home for a few days at least I intend to try to get a leave of abcence for a few days if they grant any. And I think they will. I might have come home this fall for good if I had known it in time but I did not know it so here I am and I am going to try and be contented and make the best of it now that I am here We are having fine times here as far as the weather is concerned. We have had no rain of any amount this fall and now the roads are dry and dusty and the weather is warm and pleasant. Give my respects to all enquiring friends. As for Carrie give her a kiss or two for me. Give my love to all the folks at home and accept a good share to yourself.

This from your affectionate Brother L. S. Williams
Lt. 6th Vt.

