Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Camp of the 6th Regt. Vt. Vols.July 3rd 1864.Dear Sister

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As I have a few moments leisure I thought I would improve them in writing a few lines to you this P.M. I am well as usual and hope that all the folks at home are the same. I received a Letter from you yesterday and was glad to hear from you as I always am. Your Letters are always welcome visitors to me and I love to get them and I also love to write to you. I am glad that you enjoyed the Teachers Association so well and I should have liked to have been there and listened to the address of which you spoke in such high praise but more than all I should like to be there to see the folks at home and have a good visit with them for I love them all as well as ever if I do love another better

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I love you the same. Since I wrote to you before we have been on a raid for a few days. Last Wednesday about noon we left camp and moved out on to the Rail-Road running from Petersburg Va to Welden N.C. and struck the R.R. at Reams Station, distant from Camp about eight miles, arriving there a little before dark and with but little opposition as our scurmish line drove the what few rebs there were accross the R.R. We (The 6th Corps) then formed in line and sent out pickets and then a portion of us went to work and tore up the R.R. during the night and also the next day. Thursday. having done this to our satisfaction we started back on Thursday night and moved back about five miles and camped and Friday I went on picket and remained untill yesterday morning (Saturday) when after the rest of the Corps had gone back to our old Camp we called in our pickets and moved into Camp where we arrived a little after noon and where

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we now are and we expect to stay for a few days. So Lt. Bushnell and myself have been at work and fixed up our tent so that we are quite comfortable and to-day we have had a good wash and cleaning up so that now we feel more like Civalised people than we have for the last few days. The object of our raid was to support Sheridan in his raid on the Richmond and Danvill R.R. if he should need any aid also to destroy the railroad where we were. The Richmond papers say that they have not a single road now leading to Richmond but what is cut and I hope we shall be able to keep them so. So much for what we have done in the last few day. I wish I was at home now in particular on account of seeing Nathan and cousin Sarah. Give my love to her and to all other who may enquire after my welfare. It is very dry here as we have had no rain since the 5th of last month and then but little

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and it is very hot and dusty here at present We were mustered for four months pay on the 30th of June and it is rumored that we are not to be paid for some time to come and so it may be two months before our eyes will be blest with the sight of the Paymaster with a plenty of Green Backs. I wrote to Father telling him that I received the money which he sent me all right and if he has not already got my letter you can tell him that I have got it all right You say that you have had your photograph taken again. well you may send me one if you please. now do not forget it for I want one very bad. You say that there is a rumor that Geo Brown is dead no it was Mr Mosely that said so well we had a letter from Geo. written the 27th and he was then getting along first rate and that was since Mr Mosely wrote to me so there is nothing of it. I have got my sheet nearly full so I will close. My love to all the folks and a kiss for Carrie.

L.S. Williams Lt. Co. C 6th Vt.

