Lyman S. Williams to Family

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Camp near Bell Plain StaffordCo. Va Dec. 4th 1863Dear Sister and the folks at “Home”

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As I have not received a letter from any of you since the one Mother wrote the 4th of last month I concluded I wont wait no longer but would write you again. I am well as usual and hope that these few lines will find you all well as usual. I received the box, which you sent me, yesterday and was very glad to get it as I had begun to think that I should never see it but it has come and everything safe and it seemed nice to get a taste of old Vermont Butter & Cheese once more but the best of all was those nice shirts, Drawers, Gloves, and Boots I like my shirts very much indeed They were made so much better than I could have told you how

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to make them and they set nice. The drawers are also nice and I like my gloves much and my boots are just the thing and fit well excepting the legs which are rather small still they are well enough and came just in time and I have not needed them before as it has not been muddy as yet Franks Boots fit him well except the legs which were so small that he had to cut them open for three or four inches at the top

They are worth $12 per pair here in the army. I hear that Macomber is married and that he has applied for his Discharge. The next time you write if you know anything about it please let me know

Rumer says we move day after to- morrow but whether it is so or no I know not nor where we are going to if we move. To night I hear that they have been

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having some hard fighting in Tenn. & Ken. and I hope it will result favoriably to our Cause. I hope we may have a Glorious, Victorious and Triumphant New Year.

I have no news to write at present I saw Ray this eve and he is well as usual. Give my love to all inquiring friends and except my a large portion to yourselves.

Write soon and often
From your aff Brother, &c. L. S. Williams

