Lyman S. Willams to Lois L. Williams

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Mr. Warren Williams


Camp near Harrisons LandingVa.July 27th 1862Dear Sister

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yours of the 21st came to hand in due time and was gladly received by me and indeed it always give me pleasure to get a letter from [home] and to know that the folks are all well there. I am well as usual and able to eat my allowance Every thing is quiet here at present and we shall probably remain here for the next month or so. I have no further news of any of the boys that were sick and wounded than I wrote in my last. I received a letter this morn from Nathan, he is well and stands soldiers life

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thus far very well indeed He is in camp near Alexandria and his post office address is Sergt Nathan A. Williams. Washington D.C. Co. F. 9th Regt. Vt Vols. Care of Capt Bebee Write to him soon This morning I attended church in the church near our camp and listened to an excelent sermon. The church is built of brick and well finished carpeted and cushioned with a good melodian and the music was splendid though I think that a few female voices would have added much to the performance.

We are still kept constantly at work building fortifications &c. Tell mother that I wish I had a piece of her shortcake and if I were there I would try and find

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enough berrys to make one but here for the sum of two dollars you can get a shortcake made of dough and a little applesause spread on the outside. If I were at home you could not get me to eat such but here the boys are crazy after all such things to eat. Cheese sells at 50 cts per lb. pickles 2 ½ cense each and every thing else in proportion I must stop writing for I must write to Nathan to night. Give Carrie a kiss for me, also give my respects to all enquiring friends. Write soon

From you aff. BrotherLyman S. Williams

P.S. Tell father that I wish he would send me some more stamps as I am nearly out and obliges. Lyman

