Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Miss Lois. L. Williams


Camp in the Field near White HouseLanding Va.May 18th A.D. 1862.Dear Sister

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As I have nothing else to do this afternoon but to write and thinking that perhaps the folks at home would like to hear from me and to know that I was well I take this opportunity to write a few lines to you.

I received a letter from Mary W. Ray last night and was very glad to hear from her and to know that the folks were all well at home. I had begun to think that the folks in Essex had forgotten how to write or were afraid that their letters would never reach me but Mary’s letter made me feel a little more reconciled Mary tells me that Nathan is in

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Burlington at work and I hope that he is doing well.

Since we left Yorktown we have had some hard marching and tough work but I have stood it first rate and much better than I expected The first day after we left Williamsburgh I was obliged to fall out of the ranks and did not overtake the regiment untill they had stoped for the night but there were hundreds of others that were obliged to do the same. Since then we have not marched so fast and I have had no trouble to keep up with the reg. although others have been obliged to fall out by the way At present we are camped in a clover field of nearly fifteen hundred acres owned by Col. Lee, son of Gen Robert Lee of the rebel army They are booth in the

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rebel service. The estate is the old Custis estate on the place where Washington found his wife. It is a splendid looking place situated on the bank of the Pamunky River and comprises nearly three thousand acres. The clover in this field is about knee high and just ready to blossom and every thing looks green and fresh and if it were not for the cause that has brought us here we could not help but enjoy this splendid scenery but when we think of the many noble men who started with us but are now left behind to linger with disease or who have been sent to their long home by the rebel bullets it casts a gloom over us all, yet such is war. Our gunboats are at this place and beyond but how much further they can go I dont know

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We are within twenty three miles of the city of Richmond and probably shall move a few miles nearer to-morrow morn but when we shall attack that place I have yet to learn but probably before many days. Whenever we do you will undoubtably hear of another victory, at least we are confident of success. Give my best respects to all inquiring friends

Tell Father that we have not been paid off since Jan. so that we now have nearly five months pay due us and I know not when we shall get it nor do I care as far as I am concerned for Uncle Sam furnishes all that is nessisary for our comfort except writing material and Postage Stamps and I still have a small suply of those

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Articles except ink so I shall get along very well for a while. The weather is nearly as warm as it is in Vt in the month of July and the sweat starts even in the shade. Perhaps you would like to learn that I have been promoted. Well I have received a slight promotion contrary to my expectations yet it is nevertheless welcome on the other side of this I will give you a list of the promotions in our Company

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1st Lieut Wm B Reynolds promoted to Capt
2nd “ E R Kinney “ “ 1st Lieut
1st Serg E. A. Holton “ “ 2nd “
2nd “ S. W. Fletcher “ “ 1st Serg
3rd “ J. G. Macomber “ “ 2nd “
4th “ H. W. Brownell “ “ 3rd “
5th “ D. M. Holton “ “ 4th “
Private L. S. Williams “ “ 5th “
The Corporals remain the same as before The date of my promotion is March 2nd so I shall receive Sergeant pay from that time and perhaps from Jan. excuse me from writing more at this time

Direct to Lyman S. Williams and do not put on the title of Serg Lyman S Williams

From your brother Lyman

