Lyman S. Williams to Warren Williams

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Head-Quarters 6 Vermont RegimentCompany ICamp Near YorktownApr 20th 1862Dear Father,

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As I am feeling well to day and have nothing else to do I thought I would write a few lines to you. For the last few days I have been rather unwell so that I could not follow the regiment The Dr says that I have a slow fever. I have had no appetite and am rather week but now I am getting better and shall be

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with the Company in a day or two. There are nine or ten of us of our Co. here. We are about a mile from the Reg and have rigged us up a shanty and are taking care of ourselves. You will have heard of the little affair that our boys had with the enemy on the 16th inst Our co. had four wounded namely Lt E. R. Kinney. Scarbo Beeman and Bellows. they are all doing well and will soon be with us again. The total loss of our regiment is thirteen killed and sixty five wounded the most of them slight as far as I can learn

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Yesterday they had a stoppage to hostilities untill seven O’clock last night in order to bury the dead on booth sides. The rebels wanted to know what regiments it was that attacted the 16th and they said that (we) i.e. Vt boys were the greatest dair- devils they ever saw They also say that the boys laught like demons rather than men Our forces will probably not do much untill our heavy seige guns arrive when they will undoubtably take Yorktown and the fortifications around

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I think of nuthing more to write at present of any importance so I will close

Your’s trulyLyman S Williams

