Lyman S. Williams to Lois L. Williams

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Head Quarters 6th Vermont Regiment,Company JCamp Griffin VaJan 29th 1862Dear Sister

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I received yours day before yesterday and hasten to answer it I was sorry to learn that so many were sick in Essex. I am in hopes that Uncle Lyman folks are better give them my best respects when you see them. I hope that you or Carrie will not have the measels so take care of yourself.

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I am well as usual with the exception of a hard cold which I shall get over in a few days. without doubt A good many of the boys are sick in this tent with hard colds and some of them are almost speachless but it is nothing alarming and they are all getting better at present John Macomber has had a hard cold and it settled in his head and he was so deaf that he could scarcely hear anything at all but to day he can hear nearly as well as ever. He is a first rate good fellow as good as any in this Co.

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if not the best in fact all the boys in this tent are good fellows. John Swan one of the Westford boys is down with the rhumatism so that he can scarcly walk He was one of the toughest of us all but he has not been able to do any duty for nearly two months. I have been off duty only one day since I came here which I think is doing well for me. The mud is almost knee deep here so we cannot drill or do anything else scarcly only set around the fire I wrote home to Father and sent the letter and twenty dollars to him by Ex Capt Haselton who started

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for home last Sunday morning and you will probably get it long before this will come by mail and will let you know all & know of Nathan and the affairs in Canada. I was glad to learn that you had got along so well in your studies this winter and hope that you will continue to do so. I have made arrangements to send home to Vt. twenty dollars every two months but whether I shall let it remain in the State Treasury or not I cannot tell. I have nothing of any importance to write at this time so I will close.

Lyman S. Williams

Care of Lieut. W.B. Raynolds

