Lyman S. Williams to Caroline Williams

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Camp GriffinAD. 1861
Nov 16thDear Mother.

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It is with pleasure that I occupy these few spare moments in writing a word home to let the friends who are left behind know of my welfare and my occupation. I am well and have been so ever since I left old Vermont. I understand that some of the good people in VT are simpathising with us because they think we are suffering for the want of food and clothing I will say once for all

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that we have a plenty to eat and that which is good enough, also a plenty of good clothing and so it is with the rest of the Regs as far as I am able to learn. Those who find fault with their food are the ones that do not have enough to eat when they are at home or are a little homesick. For my part I am contented and like camp life very much. I received Mary’s letters this morning and was very glad to hear from her and the rest of the folks, and shall answer it as soon as convenient Tell Martha I was glad

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to get her note also. The Measles are among us and some of this Co. are quite sick but are better now. L.S. Bradley has been very sick but is on the gain now. all the rest of the Essex boys are well. I tent with Baker, Mellen, G. Austin from Essex J. Swan, R. Swan. J. Macomber two Dykes Stone & Philips from Westford. Monger & the two Davisons from Colchester all good fellows. and willing to do their part and if any of us are sick the rest will take good care of him We also have the praise of having the neatest tent on the ground. We have

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coverd the bottom of the tent with cedar boughs about four inches deep and then we have our bed-tick filled with the same so that we sleep quite comfortable, considering. We have a fireplace in the center of our tent and a coverd ditch to carry the smoke out. So you see we have have a fire to keep us warm in old Va. All the news that I could write of the war you will get sooner by the paper than by letter Enclosed please find a sample of cotton which I picked yesterday when I was out some five miles from camp on picket guard

From your SonLyman

