Henry Harrison Wilder to Mother

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Camp GriffinDec th7. /61Dear Mother

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I received your letter last night it found me in good health but rather tiared the Regt had just got in from a scouting and foraging expedition thare was 30,000 went out we got one hundred loads of corne and a large quantity of hay and wood but the Rebels we did not get, nor did we see any poor Fenton has gon to his long home he died the 29th of last month a Mother that is almost crazy now on hering this sad news I shall say that you must have a very pleasant time of it and that I am

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all most glad that I am not there what I can say will not help to lessen your troubles or work but I can say this that Father is not doing as he should give my love to Mr & Miss Leathrop the Soldiers attract a [     ] of attention as for the meetings we do not have many the Chaplain is not thought mutch of now but I attend when they have any the time that is not taken up with the drill and fatigue duty is spent in reading and writing visiting the boys in other Regt Sabath morn we have an inspection whitch takes the time till now then we have

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short time whitch spent in reading then we have the exersise and dres parade and the day is gon we know not whare this is the way the time is spent it pases of fast in Camp we have had no cold wether yet and no snow the ground freses a little evry night but the days are warm they are that warm that I goe in my shirt sleeves and am warm enough here my love in return for Mrs Dunine give my best respects to all that enquire after me tell Mrs Sturdvant that I know Mr Frost he is at the Hospitole he is in good health he was detailed for [    ] I have 11 Tent mates thare names are

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usles not that I do not wish you to know but that it will take some time I did not lgke get any dictionery from S Mother I have just ben to the Hospitole this morn the boys are all in good health that is as they can be in sutch a plase nothing farther at this time

from youre ever
affectionate SonH H Wilder

