Henry Harrison Wilder to Mother

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Camp GriffinNov th 11Dear Mother

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It is 10 oclock at night and a solemn time it is for the ambulance has gust drove a way from in front of my tent dore and what do you think that it left there it left one of my tent mates a corps Adams Potter of Cornwall and a good boy he was when he was alive but he is gon to his home with any friendes to console him and comfort him in his last hours his remains are to be watched to night before my tent to morrow morn we pay the last respects to him home we did hope but ashort time agoe would get

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well and goe thorough this War with us and be able to meete his friends again with some of us but it was not Gods will and tenfore we cannot have him for a tent mate but it is well we know for it is Gods will but sad and lonly as it is with me I cannot feal as bad as his Mother when she gets the sad inteligance he left a Mother that is with out a Husband and more with no consent and with out her knolage of his cumming he enlisted the morning that we left [Midd] he first had the mesles and then he got cold and then he had a feaver and at last the cuick consumpsion

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and this morning at five oclock he died thare is another one in this Camp that is not expected to live how do you and Father and Horty do I hope you are all well I am well as usual pleas do not trouble your self about me for if I am unwell I will let you know give my love to Dea Sampson people and tell them that M is well and is very healthy give my love to Mrs. Lathrop and tell hur that I am agoing to write to hur I wrote to Uncle Nelson yesterday how do all the people do in W as yosual I suppose it is late and so good by Mother write when convenlant

from your ever afectionateSon. Henry. H. Wilder

