Daniel S. White to Maria Howe White

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Head Qrs Co “I” 2nd Regt VtVols May 1864Gen Orders No 25
My own Dearest Wife

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I received your ever welcome letter tonight dated “Head Qrs of Light Infantry Putney Vt April 28th 1864” and I was very glad my wife to hear from you and learn of your improved state of health and I do hope that while I am out here you will at least be blessed with good health and then I can feel easy about if I know you are contented and happy. You will at least try wont you my wife and be happy while I am here? Well I was very much pleased with your picture and I think it very good. “O! you you put your hair in papers dident you” Its a decided improvement I think my wife. I asked Capt Ballou if he would like to see my wife? Said he should showed him the old

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one and the new one and he thought you did not look as you used to and wished to know if it changed every one as much as it had you. I told him I did not know as you had changed any only you were not hardly as lively as when we boarded there. Said I had got to give him your picture told him I could not as those were the only pictures I had of my wife – dont think he will ever get one by my giving it to him for twould be put up in some “house” as his wife the first I know and I dont wish any man to have my wifes picture who visits a “house” at all. Im very glad you have gone a visiting and hope you will continue and I will tell you where to go if you cant think where to go. I believe you are under contract to visit Mother when you return. I wrote Mother Bates you were coming to make her a visit when you returned from Brattleboro Mother says she is very lonesome and often looks at those bottles they used draw the cider in and wishes we were all

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there together to drink cider again I wouldent object my wife would you? I too think early spring a little a little dull but when the leaves begin to spring out and the birds sing and flowers present their variegated hues to the eye I think it the most plesant season of the year for it reminds one of youth when the mind is light and buoyant and the spirits vivaceous and no trouble hangs like a dark pall over the mind. I remember well what reflections and impressions I had when I saw these beauties of nature of what I would do when I was a man I never dreamed of a war among ourselves or that I would ever witness a battle or much less participate in one but we see by this how short sighted we are and how little we know of the future or the manner in which we may be affected by it and it is well we do not. Thos remem- brances are among the happiest of my life yet I little knew I was happy but was con- stantly looking forward to the time when

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when I should be a man and act for myself but I think even in this could I only be with my wife I could be per- fectly happy but for awhile at least I must forego the pleasures of her society I havent got any of the sitting photographs of me and but two of any kind and they are not very good. Ha ha by “painful Experience” substitute “pleasurable” vice “painful” cant you my wife? So you got a new dress well you must have it cut low in the neck I suppose shall you my wife. Sergt Tayler may like the style of the blue then but not now – ha ha Well that is nice I sure “Capt White you are detailed for fatigue tomorrow to report at 7 A M with one days rations.” Isnt that consoling my wife? Dont know how far I have got to go to do my days work. Come and go with me my wife and Ill learn you how to march and carry your haversack with dinner & supper in it No you may eat from my Haversack if you will go. Will you go? Ill put you in command of the whole detail and let you “drive”. Please give my regards to father & mother Emy & Harly Grandpa & Grandmother & Sarah and all who may enquire after me. Heaven Guide you my wife and accp the whole love of your devoted Husband


