Daniel S. White to Maria E. Howe

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Sec’d Regiment Vermont Infantry, Sec’d Brigade, Sec’d Division, Sixth Corps.March 31st 1864My Dear Wife

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As Oramel is going home tommorrow I will write a few lines and let you know I am well You will see by this I am going to enlarge my correspondence a little as small envelopes are by far too small. We have been out for target practice this forenoon and this afternoon we are to have a Brigade drill. What are you doing today my dear? practicing I suppose little thinking that you are to be so soon agreably surprised but you are. Shant you be happy to have him him at home again? I shall expect to hear from you soon. I send a can of milk along by O. G. so you can see what we use and if you have a chance show some of it to Mother White. Please try a little in your coffee. I am going to Brandy

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Station this afternoon on business. I dont know as I can write any more now Good Bye for now my dear wife. Brigade drill is passed and I have been to Brandy Station and saw Capt Pitkin but could get no situation for OU yet though think I shall before long. I left his address with Capt Pitkin While we were out to drill we witnessed a spirited horse race for $1000 per side – money was won but I think that rather doubtful way to make money. The Paymaster is here and I have got to get they pay-roll signed so much for being Captain. Have you ever heard anything from that Capt wife you got acquanted with in Brattleboro? Oramel will probably be stationed in Brattleboro and you must go and see him if he is. I send you a paper and Artemas Ward and a brass candlestick (mate to one I have) and if there if there were anything I could send you I would get it and send to you but I have looked the sutlers over and I cant think of anything that I can send you that you wish. You must enjoy yourself hugely while Oramel is at home Without doubt I shall be very homesick when he leaves but I shall have to stand it I suppose. I expect a letter tonight from my wife Give my regards to the folks and accept the warmest devotions of my heart I must now attend to signing the rolls Good Bye my dear wife write soon God protect and guide you is the prayer of your affectionate husband


