Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Head Quarters 16th Vt. Vols. Camp Near Union Mills Va. March 24th, 1862My Darling Wife

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I received two letters from you yesterday & one had the most splendid thing in it I ever saw. I thank you a thousand times my own sweet angel for such a splendid picture. Seems to me it is about the best one I ever had of you. You look elegant in your furs. They are becoming. And they make you look so com- fortable. Am real glad you got them. How do you know what to get so well always? I guess I have got the most won- derful wife in the world. Reckon you will have to be weighed on the hay scales next time. Could I hold so large a wife as you now? Darling I am

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glad you think you can get along without me, because I suppose it would be impossible for me to be there. I would behave as well as I could if I were. I will not worry darling very much. Suppose you want me to a little. I think you will get along well. I shall be so glad when you are well through. Do you suffer very much for your head? I hope it will be better after this- Now do you want to know where we are going to live, & wont you tell any one? I expect to go to Rutland Vt. It is the largest town in the State & growing the most rapidly, & will be a very thriving place always probably. Several good lawyer have advised & urged me to go there. It is the pleasantest town to live in, in the State in many respects

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One of the best lawyers in Vt. told me a day or two ago that he thought Rutland was the best point in N. England.

I dont want to start a lone again & Proctor will make the best partner I know of.

If we get back in good health I think we shall go there. But you need not say anything about it. I dont care to have it known at present, as I may change my plan. I speak of it to you as a probability, as you wish to know where you will have your home. Brattleboro would be a tolerable place, but not very desirable. Its location is a little too near the boundary. State business will not center there so much. I guess there is not so much wealth there

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If it were not for our military & political acquaintance in Vt I think we should go to Mass, probably to Boston.

We moved to Union Mills, 6 or 8 miles from our old camp at the extremity of the Rail Road, to day. Just got our camp pitched when it began to rain. We are in a beautiful locality & have a fine camping ground. I wish my own own darling wife was here in my tent to- night. Guess my bunk would hardly be wide enough for three would it? Darling I love you. It rains quite hard to-night. Sounds real good on my tent. do you like to hear it rain? Give my love to Mother & the rest. Please write about Atherton. Good night my blessed Angel Thank you again for yr picture

Yr. husband W.G. Veazey

