Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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H’d Qrs 16th VtCamp at Fairfax Station Jan’y 28th, 63 My Own Darling Wife

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It is about midnight. Not a sound to be heard but the sentinels tread in front of my tent. It has been snowing all day & now it is nearly a foot deep. The mud is about the same depth underneath. We shall have an interesting time for a few weeks now. But we can manage to get along, for we have our camp in fine condition. Tents are all stockaded & comfortable My qrs are excellent. Have two tents floored. Only want a wife to complete my household. And I do want her dreadfully, dont see how I can get along without her. What would’nt I give for her to-night. It is just as cozy here. I dont feel sleepy at all. The snow is falling rapidly on my tent & makes it seem all the pleasanter inside with my nice fire. Why dont you jump into my arms. Would’nt you get a warm hugging my own love O how I do want you to- night darling. These stormy nights would be so nice

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with a wife at home. Wonder if a baby will be any addition. It is so much trouble to have them. I never can bother with another. There are some ladies out here now in the 14th Regt Mud & snow is so deep they will have to keep pretty close. Guess they will to their husbands. Reckon my wife would if she were here, especially to-night. Seems as tho- I ought to have my wife a little more. We have been married a little more than two year, no not quite two. & I have only been with you a month or two. What is the use of having a wife. I wish they were all up to [] Falls & we were just where we were then. What a magnificent time we had. Did we appreciate those days? We could not. But we improved the time. I expect our courtship was all the pleasanter on account of my being away so much. I shall begin a regular courtship again when I get home, & keep it up. Why not we thought it pleasant then, why not now. What is the use of growing old. Why not be as wild in our love as then. I shall try it I think. Wonder when we shall see some more fire works. Write real often, you dont tell me any thing you do now a days.

Yr Husband W.

