Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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H’d Qrs 16th Vt VolsCamp Near Fairfax Station Jan’y 25th 1863 My Darling Wife,

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I have a large sheet of paper but do not intend to write a long letter. Dont feel much like writing as I have several things on my mind this eve. The storm has passed away and we have had a delightful Sunday, warm as May. This season is vastly different from last winter, much pleasanter and warmer. How foolish Chester was to resign- the great obstacle in the way of success is lack of backbone. I see every where the croakers at home write to the soldiers & visit them & talk all the discouragement that their traitorous & cowardly natures are capable of. Oh for a little good old New England Puritanic pluck & hang on. What a degenerate race we have become.

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I hope there will be no necessity for me to reenter the army after this term of service expires, but if the necessity exists, it will be more than you could bear to have me at home. The honor of our country must be our first thought. I would wish to leave no mean name for my children. If every man feels as I do, this rebellion would soon be crushed, & treason everywhere. If we can gain but a single hour of our former National Glory it will pay us for all we suffer. But I hope we shall be through with this trial soon, & I can settle down to a little quiet & happiness. I dont think we shall live at Brattleboro. Yet I dont know where we can go. I shall have to go to school again I think. Have you fully recovered my darling & do you love your husband.

Good night
Yr devoted husband Wheelock

