Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp Vermont VaNov 26th 1862My Darling Wife,

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I got yr splendid letter this evening. It was Excellent. I do like to get yr letters & such as that. I am glad enough to have a baby, but we were better situated for such business, but it will be all right I suppose. Am glad you are so careful of what you eat & drink & do. I think that old maids whim is a good one & true to some degree. I shall not own any but a smart baby. It is lucky we are not to gether for it would look very much like me, if your theory is true. My health is excellent. I sleep on the floor, its the only place I can keep warm. I want to lie the way I did in Brattleboro all the time, that was the best, when one is as well as I am now. It makes me provoked to think I was not able to, & troubled you so. I will behave better if I come

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home well next time. I was not able to do anything there. I should have called myself sick had I not had so much on my mind. I think I shall be a better husband if I continue well, hope darling I shall not disappoint you. How much depends on ones health. How our happiness depends upon it. There is no relish to anything without it. How much more we would have enjoyed this summer if I had felt as I do now. No amount of work tires me. But my Angel, you have my love whether sick or well. I have been very careful not to do or say anything to any one since our marriage that could mar your feelings I hope I never shall. So far you have had a true husband. I think you will have so long at least as you merit such. I sometimes wish you would remember my wishes as to yr conduct towards some gentlemen. I dont mean generally for you are ordinarily careful enough, but towards certain ones who happen to be very friendly to me I have noticed that yr old habit of familiarity

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is still kept up to considerable degree. There is a great deal said about the conduct of our wives while we are away. Many are ready to wrong them & are watching for opportunities, and only wait for the least overture to encourage them in making advances. Now my love, I had a thousand fold never see you again than to know that the first or a single person on earth should say that you in the least degree were one particle too free in yr deportment towards anyone, whether friend or relative. One breath against the conduct & fame of my wife would be worse than a thousand bullets. Now my angel will you remember this for your husband’s sake. & yr baby’s, remember it in yr demeanor at home & abroad at all times & not give occasion for the first breath of slander or a single pang in yr husband’s heart. Dont forget to tell me. I dont think I am foolishly jealous but I would guard my own wife’s character & honor more carefully than the costliest diamond in the sea. It is more sacred to me than all else that

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that I could possess. Do be careful my own sweet wife. If you but knew the love I feel for you & yr baby. That seems to make you dearer than ever. Tell me about how true you have always been & always will be, I sent that over coat up to Mr. Tripps store by some one. Mr. Bake I believe. Do you think you had better go to Vt? Will you behave, as well there? & love me as well, & take as good care of yourself? Mr. T.. has not come back yet. I fear he wont come. How did Mr. Davenport conduct after I came away. He seems to take a good many liberties with Mrs. T. & she with him, & even you I thought sometimes, well enough perhaps while I was there but not so well when absent. I think he is a good fellow, if there is such a thing, which I am not sure of. Women are such a mystery and men such villians, I do not dare to think about them. I dont think you had better go up there any way unless Mr T. comes out here, unless you greatly prefer going there to Mrs. Gages. I want you to be as happy & contented as possible, and go where you will be so. & above all things love & honor your husband who

perfectly adores you, & would give anything to sleep in your splendid soft arms to night. 3 regts have gone out Bull Run way to guard a bridge a day or two Proctor has gone. My Reg’t is all out on picket. Good night my own sweet angel wife, I love you

Yr HusbandWheelock.

