Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp Vermont VaNov 8th 1862My own Wife

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I have just got up & must write a word to my little angel before I am disturbed. My angel I do love you & want to see you dreadfully - why cant I? O my own darling you dont know how dearly I do love you. What a splendid time we had together did not we? better than ever before & I do want it repeated & continued. Darling are you perfectly faithful & true, & do you love me all the time & not forget me at all ever? What should I do without you now. Please remember

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all this & how much I depend upon you for happiness. I think of you & of the future nearly all the time. If we could but have an honorable peace I should be so happy to settle down quietly & enjoy the comforts of a peaceful home. But I am much alarmed about the result of the war & about the future prosperity of the country. We have orders to prepare huts for winter qrs, but I put no importance to this order as fixing our stay here for we are just as liable to be sent away whether we have huts built or not, & as for me, I had far rather be sent somewhere than not. I dont feel satisfied to spend an idle winter in this Div.

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but we have to submit to the powers that be. We had a tremendous snow storm yesterday. It blew about as hard as I ever saw, snow fell some 3 or 4 inches- I got a Telegraph yesterday with Athertons debat leader I liked it very much Did you see it. Shall you go home now Mr. Tripp has returned. He talks of coming out again. It is very cold & disagreeable weather I cant stop to write more now my own sweet love, but you will prefer this to none.

Yr own husbandWheelock

