Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp near Harrison’s LandingJuly 26th 1862My Dear Dear Wife,

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Am very glad you are enjoying yourself so well at the Doctors and that your health is so good. I do wish your dream might come to pass, i,e, if I could come home honorably. Should’nt like to get a dishonorable discharge. I want to visit the Doctor very much. Does he like as well as he expected? I hope your Father will get well. What would yr folks do without him. He has worked too hard. It will be a lesson to him for the future. I have about given up getting a new Reg’t. The Governor has a son to promote, and so it will ever be. Merit is of little account any where. My health is getting excellent. We have fine weather now, quite cool. It costs about everything to live here. I never knew such fabulous prices. I paid 2 doll’s for a dozen or two tomattoes to day.

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Oranges and lemons, 15 cents a piece. Government monopolizes all transportation, so that it is difficult getting anything up here. It seems as tho everything went wrong in this war. I am getting very much disgusted. Am glad Halleck is Genl. in Chief for now there will be a military at Washington wish will make some improvement I hope. I begin to think Lincoln is an old Betty. My Reg’t is getting into pretty good shape, My camp is very clean, & the men are looking bright & clean. Have about half of the original number left, but this includes above a hundred recruits from time to time. Well darling I wont trouble you any more in this kind of lingo, If I could only see you I would soon forget all trouble. What a splendid time we would have. It seems as tho, I should see you soon. Write some good long fond letters my angel, Tell all about yourself, I love you my sweet wife. Regards to the folks,

Yr fond husband-W.G.Veazey

