Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinDec 31, 1861My darling Wife -

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I did not write to you yesterday or Sunday for I didn’t feel very well & thought I should not write a good letter. Was quite sick yesterday, the Dr. thot I was going to have a fever but I am much better to-day, have been out much of the time all day. Shall be on duty to-morrow. I should have tried for a leave of absence when first taken sick, but we have been anticipating a battle for a few days past, & I would’nt leave any way till all hope had passed. We are comfortably settled down now, but I doubt if we remain long. Mrs. Proctor went home with Major Seaver & is about coming out again. We hav’nt given up all hope of a fight yet. My head aches & I think I had better defer trying to write till I get better natured.

Yr fond husbandW. G. Veazey

