Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp GriffinDec. Monday EveMy Sweet Wife

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Suppose I must make up this week for neglect last week. It has been raining all day, & we have been busy fixing up. I disliked to leave our old camp ground very much. It was the best one we ever had, only too bleak. My boy Bill has been sick so I have had more to do in moving, he is getting to be a good boy. Its very windy & I cold to-night, but I have a red hot stove & am very cozy, wish you were here my darling angel. I want so much to see you. Crain & Seaver say they shall send for their wives, for they dont expect to get home again. I hope I can get leave bye & bye. I must see my darling wife. Lilliman, of the Albany Law school called to see me Friday night, do you remember my speaking about him? He is the very tall fellow; is a Lt of cavalry, now in Washington. Capt. Atherton has not returned,

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is recruiting for the 4th Regt. I think Genl Phelps has made then a bigger fool of himself than any other General. I have yet to hear of the man that approves of his proclamation. With the exception of the first statement in regard to the admission of slave states, it is a sophomoric political rehash, unbecoming a General anywhere & intirely out of place & impolite under the circumstances. I dont believe Vt. will lay any particular claim to another General at present. Our General, Brooks, says he thinks Phelps is crazy again. He told me he thought that proclamation would be worth ten thousand men to the state of Miss. I think we have one of the ablest men in the Army for a General. He is all a soldier, & a severe one too, but all have confidence in him. If there is ever a chance to fight he will improve it, against any odds. He says General Buel is the soldier of this war, if he fails we may as well give up. I must go to bed alone once more.

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I did’nt get any letter to- night. Capt Powers has gone home to see his wife for the last time probably; she has the consumption & is very low. He has three children.

Good night my sweet love my darling wife.

Yr devoted husbandW. G. Veazey

