Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey

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Camp AdvanceSep't. 22.My darling wife

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I have rec’d lots letters fr you since I wrote. Have not felt very well this week past, have had camp dysentary but am well of it now. We are having quiet times here now comparatively. Some picket shooting is all, but McClellan’s order will stop that now somewhat. I think we have taken the lead in that business since we came over this side. We had a Capt. shot, one of the Californians yesterday

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I expected some retaliation after our attacks on them & we have had it. I would certainly let an enemy picket escape before I would shoot him. It is no better than murder. Yet our men think its a great thing to shoot a rebel in any manner. Two cos of Berdens sharp shooters, one the N. H. co. came to day. Jones the Capt is a college mate of mine, & Bill Gibbs 2nd Lt. Baker who was in college & law school with me was here to day fr Fort Corcoran - 2nd Lt. in the 18th Mass. I begin to think that we

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shall have no great battle along our line here at all. The Enemys position & defences are too strong for us to risk a battle & the same is true of ours for them therefore I think McClellan will send naval expeditions & attack their week points & thus worry them out here, when we can advance without risk or great loss. It would certainly be absurd for us to attack their strongest position when they have so many weak ones. We are getting in better state every day now, dont work so hard & are getting com-

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fortable. Our old mess has started again so me[n] live first rate comparatively. The we have good fair too. My horse will be here this week, & I have engaged a contraband to wait on me. You may send as many story papers to me as you please. Powers is Capt. of my old Co. & a splendid fellow too. Mr Willis will have a good time sending his stuff home when he gets here. If his reg’t. is put any where in the advance will have to cut down to 80 pounds. We have had orders to that effect & I shall send lots of stuff home soon. If I were to start again I believe I would’nt take more than a knapsack full.

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A pair of pants, shirt & pr of spurs should make about the whole outfit of a soldier. I think Mr. Willis’ friends are about as much to blame as he is they flatter him so much. When you see shells flying at you for a mile or two distant you begin to think revolvers are not of much account. I never had occasion to draw one except on my own men. If one is stationed at a place for several weeks or months he might as well have conveniences, but when on the move often he will find conveniences decidedly inconvenient. Wonder if

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you remember every thing. Do you have cold weather north? we do here very.

Are’nt you kinder ashamed to ask yr husband if he loves you – Say -

Yr fond husbandW. G. Veazey

