Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Miss M. Jane Spafford
Upper FallsVermont.


Camp Vermont Va.Nov 19thDear Sister

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I will write you a line to night as I wish to say in regard to the tub of butter I wrote to the folks to send the other day, that if they have not already done so they need not. There is more than a fair prospect that we do not stop here much longer tho’ it is still possible that we stop here longer or prehaps all winter. You know we know nothing. The talk is quite strong that the 15th & 16th go to New York & go with the Texas Expedition; it may be all

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talk or it may not. There was an order read on Dress Parade to night to the 15th & 16th only to be ready to march at a moments notice with two days rations, & shelter tents. We shall not move tomorrow (& prehaps not at all) for we are all (the brigade) going to review near long bridge. If the butter has already been sent when you receive this, & you should hear we had moved befor we recd it some one might write to Prentiss to get it, and do the best he could with it, it would probarbly be left at the Express Office at W-. Prentiss’ address is 496-9th St. To night is Wednesday night & I have not yet

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recd my sundays letter. Shall look for it tomorrow night. George & I have been down to W- to day. Lieut [Justus] Dartt was at our Camp this morning & left for Vt. this P.M.

We are all well except George Dickinson he is some sick to night, guess he will be better tomorrow. I would’nt say anything any way but what he is as well as ever you know if his folks should hear of it they would worry when there is no use for it.

Write me to W. the same as ever & often. I shall do the same Love to all, father, mother, &c.

In Haste Your Brother –Jo.

