Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Miss M J Spafford
Upper FallsVermont


Brattleboro Vt Friday MornDear Sister –

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I have commenced writting home so quick.

I want you to knit me a night cap like that one of Williams or something similar I dont care what. I have some buttons for a vest which I intended to have sent home from Springfield (I got them there) but forgot it so if mother makes a vest she can make it so. I can put them on with rings. We are in tents &

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shall be until the 13th goes, which we expect will be saturday. Veazey is our Col. no Drum Major appointed yet. Geo will probarbly have it. We are Co. E.

You need’nt be in a hurry about that cap or the vest, as I shall intend to come home a week from tomorrow & can get what I want then.

I dont think of any thing else this morning.

In haste
Your aff. Brother Joseph Spafford

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10 o’clock P.M.

George C. has got his appointment.

I am Officer of the Guard to night, my first guard duty.

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Recd this Monday night perhaps you can get the yarn at [Harrire’s], or at any rate at Brattleboro

