Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Carver Hos. Meridien HillWashington D.C.May 9thDear Sister –

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I shall not write a long letter as I write so often. It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I came here & I have recd nothing from home in all that time to tell me that you receive my letters until to day. I recd an “American Union” with Billy Jones’ name on it & your writting on the outside. This satisfies me that you have recd some of my letters or you would not know where to direct. I write almost every other day. I think I shall not get my papers before next week as I have not got them yet & to day is friday. They expect them back from W. tomorrow but tis quite possible they will not come. hope they will. How much I would give for a letter from home.

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Yesterday I went down to the City & visited the Smithsonian Institute & “Old Abes” house.

The boys in my room got my paper to day from the office (I was out) & when I came in they had pulled it out of the wraper. I thought prehaps there might have been some writting in it but they burnt it up instead of giving it me as long as they had opened the paper without leave. I will write no more to day. Love to all.

Your BrotherJo.

