Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Miss M. J. Spafford
Upper FallsVermont


Mansion House HospitalAlexandria VaApr 16thMy Dear Sister –

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I have written you twice not to write me again at this place, but now I will say that you may continue to direct the same as ever, & I hope you will write often as possible. I got a letter from the Capt yesterday containing my own & several of the other boys descriptive lists. – I shall speak to the Dr. now & see what he thinks about my going to Vt. – Now dont make up your mind I shall come certain for you would stand a great chance to be disapointed but it is possible, just possible/ If it is so I come at all it

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will not probarbly be before the middle of May, it takes forever almost to get any thing around. –

The Capt said they were in front of Yorktown Said Myrick (Porters clerk) & Corp. Dam went out in front of our Pickets the other day to fire at rebels. Myrick keeled one over & they returned the fire hitting M- on the thigh, it was not a wound that would any more than make him lame a day or two the Capt said. –

I am feeling very well for me. – As I have nothing in particular more to write I will close. Love to all. Let me hear from you soon

Your Aff BrotherJo.

