Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Miss M. J. Spafford
Upper FallsVermont


Camp Griffin Va.Sunday Jan. 26th/62My Dear Sister.

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I recd a paper from you last night with a line enclosed saying you had heard our Col. Lt. Col &c had resigned. Whenever you send a paper I want you to write something if tis only a line. I feel disapointed when I open a paper and find no line there. By the way I may as well say to you to be careful what you write in papers, for if I should not happen to be at home (what a place to call home) some one else might think there was no harm in opening a paper, if it was not theirs. Such a thing never has happened but it might well enough. Our Col, Maj, & Adjt. did resign

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The Lt Col has not. The Majs & Adjts resignation was accepted, but the Cols was not. I wish it had been. I am among the few that do not like him at all, tho’ you know it will not do to say as much here to any one. He fills the place of Col well, but I do not believe he has one point of a good man. I have a chance to know something of him. The fellow that was Sergt Major, but was promoted to Lieut. will be Adjt. He is all right as he is a little related to the Col. Charly Stoughton will probably be Maj, they are expecting it, tho’ tis not fair. One of the Capts should have had the place. As I have said before, every thing goes by favor, There is no use in any one trying to deny it. – All the Vt Regts but ours have been paid off. We shall be paid probably monday or tuesday. The soldiers send their money home now by means of an alotment roll, and can then

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let it remain with the state, or send an order to any one, and have it drawn the same as the State pay is. I assigned $13. per month. That will be $26. each pay day which with my State pay makes $40. That leaves me here each pay day $14. which is more than I shall need, but I shall send what I do not want of then, in a letter. I shall send father an order so he may draw this money if he wishes. – I went over and saw Sanderson of the 3d day before yesterday. He was just going on drill with his Co. so I only just had a chance to speak with him. He was willing to send his order for state pay to father but could stop to do nothing then. I told him I would come over again the next day. I accordingly went over again yesterday, but he was on guard

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so I did not see him. I guess I shall go over again this afternoon sometime so as to send the order in this letter. If I do not I will do it next time I write. Tis muddy, nasty getting over there to day. - There is about the sam amount of sickness in this Regt there has been all along. We have 6 cases of typhoid fever in the Hos. from our Co. now. I think none of them are dangerous. There was a case of small pox discovered in CO. K. the other day, but the patient was imediately removed to Washington. Dr. Hazeltine vaxinated me 4 or 5 days ago but told me he thought it would not work as there was a good scar on my arm. I have heard nothing from it yet. My health is good, tho’ I have done no duty since I was taken with the mumps. I am well enough to, but I had just as leif Barrett would do it for awhile so he can learn, & I can get well rested while I am about it.

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I presume you have before this time seen Hen Spafford. There are 6 or 8 who will start for home from our Co. as soon as we are paid. They go on furloughs except 2 one a Wm Parker from Springfield & John Field of Chester. Among those who go on a furlough are Geo. Spaulding our 2d Sergt David Brinn of Cavendish & Wilbur Cady of W. Windsor. – The rain which has been coming for a week or more ceased yesterday and to day it is clear and cool but thaws a little. There is strong talk that we move as soon as the going will admit, and as every body seems to think so, I am inclined to think there is more than a camp rumor to it. Small tents have been supplied the different Regts, such tents

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as would be necessary on a march. To day when the Co’s were on inspection the Col. asked them if they all had canteens? said he “you will want them soon” For all this tattle we may stay here a month or we many move tomorrow. Nobody has the least idea which way we shall move of course there are many different oppinions. Some think to Manassas, others to Leesburgh while others say we shall go back across Chain Bridge to Annapolis Md. and go on some expedition. However none of them know any more about it than I do, & I know nothing. As I said before we may stay here a month yet. I want you to write me often along now and I will let you

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hear from me twice a week and if possible 3 times either by letter or paper.

We are now living easy. The Capt and I live as well as any body need to, and sleep as comfortably. After all he has done better by me than most Capts do by their 1st Segts. As mother said perhaps it will be a benefit to me, living with him. –

There is a Sergt I know in Co. I who was out with Walker on his filibustering expedition. He has three bullets in his person now, besides 4 other wounds. As we were going to Drainsville the other day the head of the column crossed a bridge which at the distance we were from it sounded as the men stomped their feet on it like distant cannonading.

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This Sergt was walking close by me and when he heard it he clepped his hands and acted as pleased as could be. Said he, “we’ll have some fun now.” I never saw a man act more disapointed than he did when he found it was only a bridge.

I wrote Charly K- a day or two since, so you will probably hear from me by him. – I recd a letter from Aunt Diana a few weeks since and answered it yesterday. – I have not yet been to Washington and shall not now as they have done giving passes on account of the small pox. I will write no more to day. Write me as soon as you receive this. – Write me all about everybody Remember me to all the neighbors particularly Alfred. I would give a great deal to see him. Tell Oz when you see him to write me immediately. That if he does not I shall think he does not care whether he ever hears from me or not. I may not write you again from this camp, and I may a dozen times, we cannot tell. Write me soon and often. Good Bye. Your soldier brother will not forget you. My love to father & mother.

Good bye Your aff brotherJo.

