Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp Griffin Va.Sunday Dec 29 /61My Dear Sister –

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I wrote you a line day before yesterday saying I could not answer the letter I had just recd before to day as I was intending to go to Washington yesterday but I did not go as I intended or find time to write to you. Three men from each Co. are alowed a pass to go to W. saturdays. You know we cannot go there without a pass and that must be signed by Gen Brooks. The passes have to be sent to his Head Quarters friday night and he returns them, signed, saturday morning. A pass for Corp Whitlock

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Pri. Wait, & myself from Co. C. was sent him accordingly but they were returned without being signed, as we got word that our Regt would be inspected saturday, by the Inspector Gen. so we should be obliged to be here. We were inspected accordingly. If next saturday is a pleasant day I shall go there for I do not mean to be cheated out of it now. I have not been there since we left that place the 28th day of Sept last. –

You wrote me that the sewing circle would meet at our house last thursday evening. I would have given all the “new blue clothes” (as Alg used to say) I have got if I could have been there, though you know

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I was never particularly fond of going to them when I was at home, but after being deprived of female society as long as I have, it would have been pleasant to have had the privlidge of passing an evening with those “Perkinsville beauties” (as we used to call them) to say nothing of those nearer home. I believe the last time I attended a sewing circle was the time Georg Dodge and myself were so unlucky as to have the horse run away, not exactly with us, but without us. –

I have a great mind not to send you this letter as I cannot write more to day. There were many things I wished to say but have no time now, as the Sergt.

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Major just poked his head into my tent to say that I must have the Co. muster rolls made out in time to send them in before 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. Tis not my buisness to do it, but there is no one else here to do it now so I am going to. Tis quite a job and I shall have to set up nearly all night to night in order to finish it so will spend no more time on this letter but will write you again in the course of a day or two. – I used to be a member of a reading circle, and would be happy if I could meet with the one you say is organized at P-. If I remember right we used to have Honorary members. Could I not be admitted to that as such? – I am well, was never better in my life. – Remember me to all those who inquire after me, and all those whom I should inquire after if I had time. Write me often. I shall write you as soon as possible.

Your Aff. BrotherJo.

