Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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3d Div 6th Corps HospitalMarch 19th 1865My dear Wife,

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I have just received your excelent letter of the 15th in which you inform of the reception of the money &. Poor little Kitte it made my heart ache to think she felt so slighted. I did not intend to give her a goby by no means I did not forget her if I did not write to her. She shall have no reason to complain again.

The weather has been for a few day very delightful. But the stillness is awful Here we are in the midst of 200,000 men and the sabbath stillness is unbroken save by the chirp of the sweet sorysters of the forest and now and then the distant roll of the drums. It makes us feel that the crash of battle will some break this sollem and almost painful silence. That in many days perhaps hours we will be using our keen

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edged knives upon some of our much loved and dear friends. The thought is really distressing. To see those with whom we have been so pleasently associated for so long a time who are now so full of life and vigor and even happiness, cut down at a blow either to lie cold in death or horribly mutilated is now a pleasing reflection. We can only hope for the best.

I am so glad that Lt Sargent has got out of the hands of that God forsaken rain and on way home. Wonder if Mrs S- recollects of my telling her that her husband would come out of it all night I shall expect to see him before long. Now for our own personal interest. I received my commision as Surgeon of the 17th Regiment Vt Vols. It is gratifying to receive this acknowledgement of [] though it be late. I visited the regiment to day which lays about two miles from here.

It is very flattering to receive the congratulations of my friends, as well as their regrets

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that I am about to leave them. The medical Director fo the 6th Corps paid me a very flattering compliment to day, when he was told that I had received promotion. That was very glad I had been promoted for I [] deserved it but he regreted very much that I was going to leave the corps, and many other things that showed that I stood well among the Medical officers.

(My pen has got the [] in it all at once)

I shall take charge of the regiment tomorrow The officers had heard of my coming and were very much pleases there at as my reputation had preceeded me.

You will after this direct your letters
Dr J.C. Rutherford
Surgeon 17th Vt Vols
2d Brigade
2d Division
9th Corps. Now if there is not style for you then I wont try again.

I cant write much to you this time, but when I get settled down I will write

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more. My pay as Surgeon is about 200$ per month.

My dear Kittie - Father feels very bad that you thought that I did not love you. I do love you my dear child more than I can tell. I hope you wont think so any more. Papa loves you dearly, and when I write to Mother again I will write you a good letter I send with this a present to my dear little girl. It is not much but I will send you some thing more some time. From your loving Father

Now dear Wife I will writ to you again as soon as I become a fixture in the 17th.

Give my love to the children and kiss them all for me and accept one for yourself.

God bless you all.

Your affectionate husbandJ.C. Rutherford

P.S. The position I held here in the Div and my promotion with some remarks will be noticed in the N.Y. Herald of next friday-

