Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Kearnstown Va 4 miles South from Winchester.Nov 14th 1864My dear Wife,

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I have nothing of interest to write only that I am well, though I have been sick since I wrote last, but it did not last but a few hours, all right now. We are having very pleasent weather, but cold for this climate. We manage to keep comfortable most of the time.

I am still at the Div Hospital having charge of it. The duty is a pleasent one but more ardenous than taking care of the regt For the last 3 or 4 days we have been expecting a big old fight but it resulted in a little skirmishing. The excitment to us in the rear can hardly be imagined by those

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entirely out of the fight or those who are engaged for all is uncertainty and anxiety as to the result.

We are very much unsettled in our quarters, cant fix up much because we dont know how long we can stay home.

I am just sending off my sick and am going to send this by the officer who goes with them and I have not time to write much.

God bless you all, and give my love to the children, and accept a life long love for your dear self

Your affect husbandJ.C. Rutherford

