Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Among the Pines &cMay 3d 1864My dear Wife,

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We now packing up for a march and I snatch a few moments to write a few words to you. How long it may be before I can send another letter the Lord only knows, but I hope not long for I take a great deal of pleasure in writing to you, and I know you will feel anxious about us until you hear from me again. But have faith that all will be well. If any thing should happen to me by my being taken prisoner, write to George, and if I send any letters iwth my name spelt in full send them to George and tell him to test them with the secret process. I will give you his address on the next page

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Geo V. Rutherford
Capt and A.2.M.
2.M. Genl officer

The order came at 1 oclock to day for us to move at 4 tomorrow morning. So you see we have got to get up and dust. I will not write more not but wait till the last moment as it is bearly possible the order may be countermanded.

8 oclock P.M. Everything is all Hur a boys, I have sure to the getting off of the sick, and packed and got off all of our Hospital property since dark, and packed all of my own stuff beside. Haint I worked though? You must not expect much of a letter this time for I am too tired to write and am all of a flurry

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beside. We shall probably leave this before day light. I said three weeks ago that when we left here it would be in the night.

I have received a letter from Helen this evening, for which give her my thanks. I am writing at the very last moment as the mail will leave him in a few minutes.

Give my love to the children and you know you have mine

God bless you all, and believe as ever

Your affectionate husbandJ.C. Rutherford

