Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Brandy Station VaMar 10th 1864My dear Wife-

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It is raining like all split to day, and a more gloomy day I have not experienced since I have been in the army. I am here all alone. The Chap-lain started for Vermont yesteryda, and I can tell you that he went off feeling well, and I did not blame him. I only wished it was myself instead. I enjoy myself as well as circumstances will allow but I think I could enjoy my-self much better at home. Still I do not regret that I am here. We are now on our last half of our time and it will slip rapidly away.

We have a number of regimented balls since this month came in. We had one on Monday night last, and a number of staff officers from Army head Quarters were here, also Genl Carr, commander of our division. His wife

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was with him, and they did enjoy themselves to a T. as all the rest did. There are 13 or 14 ladies in our camp officers wives and they all are dancers except Col Jewetts wife, but she attends all the dances and plays Euchre like fun. It if was not for these amusements I do not know what we should do it would be so very dull. We cant read nor write all the time, and playing cards is all played out, and we shall have hardships enough by and by, to warrent our enjoy ourselves reasonably while we can. What say you?

I went to army Head Quarters on monday and from there to the 6th Corps and saw Capts Bartlett and Kiniston. Capt B- started for home yesterday.

Jos Daggett has got a commission in a Negro Regt 1st Lt and he will make a fine officer. Lt Gale of Co K. started for home yesterday with a broken leg, done by the kick of a horse while on review

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I sent to you last week $60 have you received it? It was nearly all I had. You must keep it for your own use, as it will some time before we shall be paid any money again. It is too bad but we must make a virtue of necessity.

Last night all the women in the army were ordered to leave just as soon as they could, and there estimated to be about 10,000 of them here. If there is not an increase of population another year then I shall think nature has received her order of things. What an increase of the Infantry force, and I think there will be one grand cry for freedom. Only think what must have been done to produce this state of things. "Slightly funny aint it."

I have writen an article for the Newport News. I think you will like it. I shall send it in the same mail with this.

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It has been over a week since I have heard from you. I dont understand it I know you have written if you are well, if not Helen could write. My dear dont wait for me to write for I shall write oftener after this. With my many duties I have not felt much like writing after my days work. I wrote you that I was not feeling very well. I think I have established my claim to being handsome, for the next morning after I wrote I broke all out with the Measles and I was very sick for 2 or 3 days. I am all right now but the cough, that sticks to me yet. We have a great many cases of measles, and have lost 14 or 15 with the nasty direara. It is going very hard with the men in the Army, a great many dying. I have written this by [] to day, and now it is nearly time for the mail to go out [] to day, and now it is nearly time for the mail to go out, and I expect Capt Frost to come in and spend the evening with me and there will be no writing

