Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp near Culpepper VaOct 9th 1863My dear Wife,

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I received yours of the 4th last evening announcing the arrival of the Iron horse in our own quiet little Village. It certainly [    ] have been a great event an epoch in the history of our town, and I should like to have been there to witness it. If Judge Morse had word to see it how happy it would have made him but it was otherwise ordered.

You cannot exercise too much vigalence in keeping the children away from the cars. It will be such a wonder-ful thing that they will be forgetful of admonitions though I do not think it necessary to caution you upon the subject, only to let you know how I feel.

The discription of your Sundays dinner was really tantalizing, yet I was glad to know how well you are faring at home and it really sent a thick of pleasure through me to have you have so good a dinner.

And those "tomatoe pickles - how I wish I had some now, my mouth waters to think of them. Well I hope I may be home some day and enjoy some of those home comforts. Then I am not suffering

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severly for substantial food now. But a change would certainly be very agreeable. I am sorry that My dear Helen is suffering so much with her bile. I can sympathize with her. I hope she will not have any more. But "it never rains but it pours" and troubles never come single, and she may have more of them.

You did not tell me if the sickness was subsiding any in that vicinity. You must know that I feel a great anxiety about it. I am sorry to learn than Mrs Bachelder is sick, hope she may recover. I am very much surprised that the cost of the Well was so little and I am pleased that the water is so good. If we have not been highly favored by a kind and benifiant providence for the past year then no one has and it would be base ingratitude not to acknowledge it. You see by my writing that some thing is the matter with my pen or ink. My ink is quite low and once in a while I get it inst my pen into the sediments.

You ask me to write to Betsy about

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Eugene. To please you I will do so but you know that I cant feel just right. But if it will do a Mothers heart any good though that Mother is no friend of mine yes an enemy why I can sacrifice my feelings or in other words step out of the bounds of personal feelings in regard to certain persons.

You say that you have written so often that you have very little news to write. What do you think of me, away out here at the base of the Blue Ridge mountains when it is next to impossible to get any news? and I write 3 and 4 times a week.

It does not matter what you write it is acceptable. To hear from home often is a pleasure that now but those situated as we are can appreciated, Keep on writing oftener, it cheers me up I know that I am as often thought of at home. And there is nothing so gratifying as this knowledge.

We have had a grand review to day, and I was out in full uniform and of course spread myself. It was a great affair. I would like to have you see such a sight , thousands of men with their burnished anus drawn up in

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passing in review, with bands of [       ] and all the trapings of War.

Have you received those pictures I sent to you and how do you like them?

I am glad that my letters give you as much pleasure and it is a satisfaction for me to write them. Though I am somewhat put to it to know what to write. I must go to supper now as it is ready and the Col has just stuck his face in my tent and told me to come along. Col Jewett is a very very warm friend of mine. We are having very pleasant weather now. Oh! I did not tell you that there is a prospect of a fight. Sewart (Rebel) in in our rear and a part of our Division has gone to the rear to day to stop his further advance. We have had every thing packed up for 24 hours ready to start at a moments notice.

I did not think I should find enough to half fill this sheet [     ] I commenced it but you see I have and written fine at that. Love to the children &c &c Much love to your dear self.

Ever your affectionate HusbandJ.C. Rutherford

