Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]

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Camp near Sulphur SpringsSept 10th 1863My dear Wife,

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I received yours of the 4th inst on the evening of the 8th and I received one from George (Brother) at the same time. The first I have heard from him since we came to Va. He is in Washington in the 2.M. Department, and has got a good place. He is in the 2.M. Genls office. You may believe I was glad to hear from him.

I am sorry that you thought I was disposed to make [     ] over your afflictions. I might have spoken rather lightly of the matter but I did not symphatise with you [        ], and I rejoice at your deliverance from your trials.

I do not think we are thankful enough for our exemption from sickness, when so many are so sorely afflicted. I hope Judge Marr and Qusking may recover. I am glad to learn that our Friends Mr & Mrs Page are recovering.

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It is a little singular that Betsy had not not learned before this time that disease kills more than bullets. That is the expression of all armies. We have lost a large number of men by disease and not a single one by the bullet. George Chase never said any thing to me about his wife and it was too delicate a subject for me to introduce. I hardly think it troubled him to such a degree as to hasten his death, but I do think his sickness was brought on by anxiety of mind consequenct upon his duties and his untiming application to them. There were days and days that I know of his leading his men into a field, and the first time I saw him he was rushing to the battle field, and he only stoped long enough to express our pleasure at meeting. This was at Boonsborough, you may have read of the Cavelry fight there. George went onto the field as I came off but the action was just coming. I know he was a good and brave officer, and as much entitled to

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public notice as Lieut Spaulding, not but he [     ] deserved all and more praise than was given him. George gave his life for his country as truly and as earnestly as though he had been stricken down on the field of battle. I hope his units will not be over looked. I have not seen Eugene lately, though has been within 10 miles of him but I did not know it till I heard of Geo death. They have left Warrenton lately. There has been no skirmishing near Warrenton since we have been here. Warrenton is in our [   ] between us and Washington, and as to the report of the success of the rebs you see can not have a Shaddow of truth. The only fighting we have had since we camped here is one of our men (10th Vt) killed a reb on picket the other night. As for the sickness of the 10th the story is all a humbug. The largest sick list we have had daily for the last month was from 23 to 27, and the average daily sick on my last monthly report was 13. If this

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is counted "very sickly", then I think the croakers better come and see for themselves. We have lost only 3 men for the last 5 months, and I am bold to say that there is not another Regt. in the whole army that can say that. These are facts as our daily records will show. I do not know any thing particular about Mr Joseph Calhoun. He is well I judge from the fact that I do not see him. Young Spafford is a good boy and faithful to his duties, and is very steady. His mother need not fear for him, for if I should see any thing wrong I should look after him. I am glad Royal was exempted, for it would be rather tough for him and we know that he does not lack for Patriotism. Remember me to him and his wife alos to our other friends. You must write oftener or I shall make a fuss. Cant you send me a dollars worth of P.Stamps? it is difficult getting them here. Love to the children and your dear self.

Ever thineJ.C. Rutherford

